107 Hasketts Rd, Templeton, Christchurch
P.O. Box 16610, Christchurch, New Zealand
Phone: 03 349 6003
Email: admin@canterburycarclub.co.nz
Keep up to date with our monthly calendar showing when events are on. If you are interested in a specific event click on it to find out more information.
Please be aware we have blocked out some of the calendar on days when the track is hired for private use, however a blank date does not mean the track is available for hire. If you are a company interested in a track hire please get in touch.
For event info see the CCC Motorkhana Website Page Drivers - Entries are open through the Motorsport NZ Online Entry system - online.motorsport.org.nz For assistance with entering please visit https://www.canterburycarclub.co.nz/events/entering-events/
Drivers - General Event Info HERE Regulations available and entries open approx 1 month out from the day Classes Racing: Open Saloons. Sub classes: 0-1600, 1601-2000, 2001-3000, 3001+, GT (Sub 1:30 laps) Club Saloons. Non Championship for cars running 1:40 and slower Continental Rennsport. Open and E30 classes Open Wheelers
One big weekend of drifting action to round out the 2024/25 season Saturday: Round 3 for both the Kaspa Transmissions Pro Drift, and Japrace Development Series Track Layout - A Track v1 Reverse Sunday: Round 4 for Kaspa Transmissions Pro Drift & bonus competitions, big entry and team drift Track Layout - "Sweeper Challenge" […]